Saturday, July 11, 2009

So, I Went To AX For The First Time

IMG_2424, originally uploaded by KuroHisho.

Day 1:

Woke up early since I was giving Thomas a ride over. I didn't have any cash on me so he paid for parking and we separated shortly after entering since he had to work a booth.
Got to the badge pickup line around 9. Somewhere around the middle I got a call from Conch asking if I could help them move hotels. Made me have a confused face for a moment since I wasn't expecting that call until Sunday.
Got my badge around 30 minutes later and headed to where Conch and the girls were staying.
Sometime around here I got a ticket. And everyone would think it'd be speeding or something of the sort but no. Street Sweeping.
Of all the times I park in a loading zone when I'm actually loading something, it's street sweeping day orz
So yeah, it took two trips to move everything and everyone, and Ivy gave me the 4-day hotel parking pass since none of them brought a car :D
And for the remainder of daylight, I proceeded to sew. And sew and sew...
Took a break around 7 to go eat with the girls and the Hetalia group. Went back to sewing and then went home...

Day 2: Woke up early and kept sewing. I surprisingly finished it enough to make it wearable although it was missing tons of details.
Drove over, parked and put everything on.
Looked for the Touhou gathering which had apparently started as soon as a few of them had gotten near each other near the bag check. Was received warmly with a "KAGUYA! WHERE'S YOUR TRUCK?!"
We then moved over to the spot next to the doors.
One of the guys from was nice enough to give me an Eirin pin.
Spent the rest of the day wandering around with Michel and I was actually stopped by some for a photo op.
Went home almost dead although I scared the crap out of Thomas by driving quickly. Then again, any sudden movement in a car scares Thomas :3

Day 3: Dressed up in my getup again and wandered around. Went to the Evangelion premiere thinking it was subbed. Boy was I surprised!
The dub didn't suck. Well, it didn't suck badly. It was only the pacing for Ritsuko and the lines at the beginning for Misato that sucked, everything else was alright.

Went to the Kuroshitsuji gathering. Pictures ensued.

Went to the J-list booth to buy the Yukkuri shirt and got a freebie which is still unopened sitting underneath the plush crab. Then again, I'm not done with the pictures either and I've decided to take a break from any camera activities for a week due to me just not caring.2

Went to the Vocaloid panel after eating at Denny's hoping I'd see Jill there since I heard her Gakupo outfit was awesome and had a sword that lit up.
Turns out she didn't go due to another thing she went to XD
The Vocaloid panel was nice although it didn't start that well due to the idiots behind me but since the videos they started with were slow and/or sad, the /b/-tards left. Well, the loud obnoxious /b/-tards anyway. Much laughter was had when the Miku yukkuri vid made an appearance.

Followed after Nika and Conch on rumors of a party. Seriously, if I'd known it was Masa's party we wouldn't have wasted two hours getting to the place.
That's what I get for thinking Masa's party was a small get-together...

Ah well. It was fun regardless. But next year's is going to be better planned out... I hope ;_;

Sunday, July 05, 2009

AX Was Tiring..

_DSC7517, originally uploaded by moondabor.

And also really fun!

I'll post more pics up later.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Project 365 - Part 4

Day 31

On the way back from dropping off a friend, caught this...

Day 32

Friend show off his most detested character in P3FES

Day 33

And here's a pic from inside the Union towards the Sbarro's

Day 34

Decaf?! WTF?

Day 35

It's not all that rare for me to spot a Masseratti, but one that's fixed up? *snap*

Day 36

Poster for ECST Dean's forum. It was the only pic I took that day so I used that.

Day 37

Soymilk tastes like oatmeal to me.

Day 38

Went to Costco and saw this outside. Turns out they caught a couple shoplifting.. or something.. not too sure. All I know is that they were in handcuffs.

Day 39

Trying to fix the XP partition since the HD died... tried transfering.. tried installing... In the end, I dumped Ubuntu on the 300gb Sata.

Day 40

Bought Sbarro's for the first time in a decade. It was actually quite good.

Day 41

Galletas Maria a scrumptious. Especially with milk.

Day 42

Mahjong hand... one of mine... one that I won with...

Day 43

Friend drew this after a conversation about how as kids we're told to eat everything.

Day 44

I'm REALLY tempted to take this.

Day 45

I fixed it but it broke again...

Day 46

Here's a shot of the Ubuntu loading screen.

Day 47

Automata notes

Day 48

University Police car.

Day 49

I was really amused by this shot since it reminded me of a certain meme.

Day 50

Screwing around during a mahjong game.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Project 365 - Part 3

Day 21

Noodle Square has decent presentation for their tea.

Day 22

Finally got around to playing reading Umineko. It's really interesting.

Day 23

Friend of mine finally came back from the boonies of CSU Bakersfield and she mentioned she'd never gone to Shaka's.

Day 24

Dad finally got new rims for his car.

Day 25

I like this picture. The flare from the light was unintentional though so I can't take credit for that.

Day 26

One of many Asuka figures.

Day 27

Went over to Em's place after a particularly crappy day. It cheered me up.

Day 28

Genki Living is one of my favorite haunts. But I can't call it a haunt since i don't frequent it as much to qualify it as a haunt.

Day 29

Do you... want some?

Day 30

Spaghetti Factory's bread. It was delicious.

Friday, May 01, 2009

365: Part Deux

Day 11

Good ol' Apple Keyboard. So slim. So quiet. So attracting lint.
Issokay, I has spare :D

Day 12

Went out with the weaboos to Shinano since we went to bug Tom at his job and waited for him to get out from work to go eat.
So delicious...

Day 13

Santa Anita Mall. At a kiosk.
Me: *shaking blind boxes of Eva Portrait figures*
Tom: So which one is Rei?
Me: This one. *hands Tom box* (this wound up being Kaoru... orz)
Tom: What about the Asuka one you've been looking for? Is it in one of those?
Me: I'm not sure but I think it's one of these three.
Tom: So which one are you gonna pick?
Me: *to kiosk attendant* How much are these again?
Attendant: $7
Me: *looks at boxes* *thinks for a bit*
Tom: So which one are you going to pick?
Me: I'll take the four you have.

Day 14

Me: No way! They actually have a cart! WTF?

Day 15

Michel had an interview that day... he also cut his hair. Ronald fawned over him.

Day 16

Bought a neat little program by Sailing Media that lets me synchronize my iTunes playlist to my Sony Ericsson 760a that I bought. Still need to write up the instructions to re-flash and add Japanese language support for the music tags.

Day 17

And it all started with me wanting to read more often...

Day 18

I'll hold off for the cigar version.

Day 19

Went to Chin-Ma-Ya of Tokyo one night and found their food delicious but needing an extra helping of rice. Not all that spicy since Tom quickly devoured the extra bowl I couldn't finish.

Day 20

Letting Nika do this to my hair was a big mistake... turns out my hair didn't like it and I've barely discovered how to get it back to its usual silkiness. Using repair complex meant for split ends and using a moisture mask well past the recommended sit-in time.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guess I'll Start Posting My 365 Collection

Yeah, and I'll add some explanation to it!

I'll make this a series until I'm caught up, then I'll start posting a daily an explanation with the daily picture.
Cause I'm keeping up with that.
No, really. It's simple for me since when I don't have my camera, I have my phone although flickr doesn't register it as a camera yet *sadness!*

Day 1

This is my cellphone strap at the moment. An image of Fujiwara no Mokou from Touhou Imperishable Night.

Day 2

Went bowling as part of the homecoming ceremonies for school. This was the results at the end of the second game.

Day 3

Bought a Haruhi blind box at Tom's shop and got Mikuru Maid version.

Day 4

Parental Units got this as part of many an anniversary present and I just couldn't resist doing this shot.

Day 5

Friend bought a large Asahi when we went to Orochon.
And yes, they poured it in a Kirin glass D:

Day 6

I am of the firm belief that the New Kids On The Block do not deserve to use a Reservoir Dogs motif.

Day 7

The identifying label of the cart I drive around at work.

Day 8

Father received a birthday cake from his coworkers. And since he's a christian, they stabbed in a cross.

Day 9

Why yes, my camera does suck for low light pictures.

Day 10

Constance cosplaying as Lavi from D.GrayMan...