Saturday, July 11, 2009

So, I Went To AX For The First Time

IMG_2424, originally uploaded by KuroHisho.

Day 1:

Woke up early since I was giving Thomas a ride over. I didn't have any cash on me so he paid for parking and we separated shortly after entering since he had to work a booth.
Got to the badge pickup line around 9. Somewhere around the middle I got a call from Conch asking if I could help them move hotels. Made me have a confused face for a moment since I wasn't expecting that call until Sunday.
Got my badge around 30 minutes later and headed to where Conch and the girls were staying.
Sometime around here I got a ticket. And everyone would think it'd be speeding or something of the sort but no. Street Sweeping.
Of all the times I park in a loading zone when I'm actually loading something, it's street sweeping day orz
So yeah, it took two trips to move everything and everyone, and Ivy gave me the 4-day hotel parking pass since none of them brought a car :D
And for the remainder of daylight, I proceeded to sew. And sew and sew...
Took a break around 7 to go eat with the girls and the Hetalia group. Went back to sewing and then went home...

Day 2: Woke up early and kept sewing. I surprisingly finished it enough to make it wearable although it was missing tons of details.
Drove over, parked and put everything on.
Looked for the Touhou gathering which had apparently started as soon as a few of them had gotten near each other near the bag check. Was received warmly with a "KAGUYA! WHERE'S YOUR TRUCK?!"
We then moved over to the spot next to the doors.
One of the guys from was nice enough to give me an Eirin pin.
Spent the rest of the day wandering around with Michel and I was actually stopped by some for a photo op.
Went home almost dead although I scared the crap out of Thomas by driving quickly. Then again, any sudden movement in a car scares Thomas :3

Day 3: Dressed up in my getup again and wandered around. Went to the Evangelion premiere thinking it was subbed. Boy was I surprised!
The dub didn't suck. Well, it didn't suck badly. It was only the pacing for Ritsuko and the lines at the beginning for Misato that sucked, everything else was alright.

Went to the Kuroshitsuji gathering. Pictures ensued.

Went to the J-list booth to buy the Yukkuri shirt and got a freebie which is still unopened sitting underneath the plush crab. Then again, I'm not done with the pictures either and I've decided to take a break from any camera activities for a week due to me just not caring.2

Went to the Vocaloid panel after eating at Denny's hoping I'd see Jill there since I heard her Gakupo outfit was awesome and had a sword that lit up.
Turns out she didn't go due to another thing she went to XD
The Vocaloid panel was nice although it didn't start that well due to the idiots behind me but since the videos they started with were slow and/or sad, the /b/-tards left. Well, the loud obnoxious /b/-tards anyway. Much laughter was had when the Miku yukkuri vid made an appearance.

Followed after Nika and Conch on rumors of a party. Seriously, if I'd known it was Masa's party we wouldn't have wasted two hours getting to the place.
That's what I get for thinking Masa's party was a small get-together...

Ah well. It was fun regardless. But next year's is going to be better planned out... I hope ;_;

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