Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guess I'll Start Posting My 365 Collection

Yeah, and I'll add some explanation to it!

I'll make this a series until I'm caught up, then I'll start posting a daily an explanation with the daily picture.
Cause I'm keeping up with that.
No, really. It's simple for me since when I don't have my camera, I have my phone although flickr doesn't register it as a camera yet *sadness!*

Day 1

This is my cellphone strap at the moment. An image of Fujiwara no Mokou from Touhou Imperishable Night.

Day 2

Went bowling as part of the homecoming ceremonies for school. This was the results at the end of the second game.

Day 3

Bought a Haruhi blind box at Tom's shop and got Mikuru Maid version.

Day 4

Parental Units got this as part of many an anniversary present and I just couldn't resist doing this shot.

Day 5

Friend bought a large Asahi when we went to Orochon.
And yes, they poured it in a Kirin glass D:

Day 6

I am of the firm belief that the New Kids On The Block do not deserve to use a Reservoir Dogs motif.

Day 7

The identifying label of the cart I drive around at work.

Day 8

Father received a birthday cake from his coworkers. And since he's a christian, they stabbed in a cross.

Day 9

Why yes, my camera does suck for low light pictures.

Day 10

Constance cosplaying as Lavi from D.GrayMan...

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