Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Am Aware, Thanks!

Day 43, originally uploaded by KuroHisho.

I should really get around to posting updates as to how I've been but I haven't been all that motivated to write anything other than short blurbs and even then the twitter feed hasn't been updated all that often -_-'

Other than joining another club nothing all that major has happened.

OH! I've decided to get rid of my car since I discovered that the alignment is off not because of the settings but because it has a hit on the front right.
And if I want my car to be completely straight, it causes the car to veer to the right, and if I compensate for that, the tire wear on that side is rather ridiculous.
So yeah, if anyone has any leads on a sixth generation white, stick-shift Corolla sedan, preferably fuel injected, let me know.

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