Sunday, October 12, 2008

Elote! Be Jealous!

DSC00046, originally uploaded by thecat16.

So it turns out that this year I was due for a cold. Lucky for me it started during the first week of school when I have nothing going on.
Oh, and as it turns out, I was let into that Monday class I was trying to add.

So I got that going for me.

The Friday class is nice. Even though I've missed the second class. I'm supposedly project leader on a 'web-based file management system' and the reason I put it in quotes is because it sounds a lot more fancy than it is. It's just you're basic directory structure except it's online. And we have to make it. In Javascript.

Well, we're not relegated to just Javascript but I'd like to keep things simple since PHP has to get thrown in there anyway...
I like the group that we are. Three nerds, a jaded program developer, and the hard working dude. And the cutes girl in the class is part of our group. And is one of the nerds :P
We also sorta decided to start holding our meetings out in different eateries and it's either In-N-Out up next or Roscoe's.
The program itself has been going on fine. Since the class is mostly on how to write the docs, we've been mostly screwing around but it's all done. At least up to date as we can be.

All in all, work has been swell. Boss is being more boss like and less secretarial although she still has her moments. Daily schedules are still failing as usual specially with the first week rush which, oddly enough, is a lot less rushed this year than last's.
And last week one of my coworkers was sent to the hospital. For what, none of us know but my money is on appendicitis... or she ate some pork.

OH! Right! Parent's are back from their month long excursion to the hometown and I took the liberty of acting like I lived alone. So I took a roommate :P

I also discovered that I have a liking for sake, and Yaegaki's Dry stuff in their blue bottle smells awesome and the aftertaste is just as swell.
I still don't like beer although I find Sapporo drinkable. I still won't drink it if I have the option which means I'm relegated to my pitcher of water with lemon slices, which isn't bad since I like water :P

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