Friday, August 17, 2007


IMG_0147.JPG, originally uploaded by thecat16.

Looking at digg I always wonder why it is that I keep going back to that cesspool of blogs and rehashed comics. Seriously, I'm tired of looking at the same comics I've seen years ago...

Another thought occurred to me and that was why do I keep this blog? I mean, is it really worth it to have an online presence that might be looked at negatively in someone's eyes?

The best answer I have is that I don't mind keeping this blog. I don't care who sees it because I don't do it for them. I do this not only for myself as a pseudo diary kinda thing, but also for my friends who might be curious as to what I write in regards to things that happen around me whether or not it affects or involves them.. plus, it gives me a place to vent. (-_-)/~

Another reason I keep this out is due to that whole christian thing about being an open book... people know me for being straightforward to a fault. Not that I lack tact but it's just that I say what I think with little to no sugar coating. And this blog is an extension of me albeit in a more organized and legible way that makes more sense that what I say... that's what I hope for at least :P

About that christian thing, you know, the one about "keeping your testimony" and all that jazz. I'm a firm believer that it is also a way of ministering to people mainly because I'm not the kind to approach people for any reason, let alone to tell them about Christ @.@ especially since I have a rather liberal approach to a variety of things...

Like I was once asked my feelings/point of view towards the whole gay marriage issue with the whole gay thing intrinsically included.

I said that I don't mind gays, as long as they do not develop romantic feelings for me since no matter how non-straight I may seem, I don't swing that way. Oh, and I dislike flamers with an ironic burning passion due to the airheadedness they display and the stupid way of speaking they share. It gets on my nerves. Not that it's entirely their fault. I just can't stand it.

Gay marriage... what's the point? That kind of stuff is easily done through the clever use of lawyers, power of attorney and wills. Seriously.

Don't. Be. Lazy.

If all of you of the gay persuasion want to have the same kind of rights as those that get married then find ways to do it other than pushing the gay marriage agenda. I find it kinda like that last couple showing up at city hall to get their marriage license two minutes before they close without their paperwork filled out and asking someone to break a $20 for the meter...

And all you hardcore christians that have gotten flustered all I have to say is this.
We are not the judge.


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