Friday, April 27, 2007


They What?!


I'm angered over this recent post by one of the TV Guide people.

Stupid Fox. When will they learn that some shows, although a bit on the cheesy side, will get a following if it's interesting?

I was actually looking forward to watching this every week and figured I'd get the box set if it ever came out, but noooo.... bloody Fox.

Seriously. They did this with Firefly, which I still haven't gotten around to watching, they also did it to The Tick, which I can somewhat understand why it would get canceled, but a show with the potential to appeal to all kinds of viewers like Drive?

And then people wonder why I spend most of my time watching anime...


I starter to read the review that the Hollywood Reporter had on Drive and I do agree with it in that some people would be ashamed of admitting they like it. Now why would people be ashamed of watching this particular show? Cause Nathan Fillion's character, Alex Tully, has lines that are peppered with the cheesiness. That and he, well, I'm not really sure if it's Fillion or the writing (or both!) don't really seem to fit in with the atmosphere of the series.

According to the review it's one of those series where you'd have to "check your disbelief at the door" to which I would say "Uhm, it's fiction. Isn't that a given?"


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

...Wait, What?

IMG_0768.JPG, originally uploaded by thecat16.

I had this whole long diatribe to post about the recent event at VT but after mulling it over, I'd figured there's enough people out there saying the same thing.

On the one side, you got the media being as ready to sell out the victims for ratings, the politicians for votes, and Jack Thompson going on again about the violence of video games.

Then on the other you got people posting blogs, comments and LiveJournals sending out their condolences to the families of the victims.

Then you have the uninformed masses that think it's a good idea to build a fence around the campus.

Seriously, if it can keep stuff out, it can keep stuff in. It's bad enough that the high schools in LA already look like prisons all in the name of security.

I also heard about the parents of one girl attending VT wanting the directors head on a pike due to how badly this incident was handled...

That pissed me off even more. A school is a place of learning, of course it's not gonna be a suitable place to plan a lock down, it's not friggin' Neo-Tokyo 3! And with a campus that large, of course the cops are gonna take some time in getting to the other side. The cops are there just to maintain the peace and keep an eye out for stuff like pranks. Shootings are not part of a university's daily agenda and we all know that the dorms act as a seperate part of the university so locking down the entire school for an incident at the dorms would have been ridiculous since it's bad enough to coordinate the instructors to go to their respective rooms while getting keys/combinations let alone have them shift everything at the last minute.

Teachers, much like many of the students, don't check their school email, so how was this info supposed to get to them?


Oh, looks like I did write something after all :P

Friday, April 13, 2007

Connection Speed

Connection Speed, originally uploaded by thecat16.

Well, there you have it. Apparently I only needed to wait...

I'm still trying to find info on how to make the 2Wire work only as a modem but the only thing that I thought could make it so was disabling everything except the connection so the next logical step would be figuring out how to disable the DHCP on it...

Wonder if I'll be able to -_-;

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Is it edible?

IMG_0758.JPG, originally uploaded by thecat16.

Yay, we got dsl at church now!

Of course I was delegated to set it up and lock it down. Which is fine by me since I'm the only one with the knowledge to block out Myspace at the router level.

The 2Wire modem/router is a piece of crap. I mean, I opened the port for Azureus and Azureus still said that the port was closed and since there was no problem at home it led me to believe that the 2Wire router's firewall is along the lines of "all or nothing". And that's bad.

Plus I can't do selective blocking of websites like I've been screwing around with at home with my WRT54GL DD-WRT v23. Which brings me to another point. It seems like mine only blocks it on the Windows box while my PowerBook seems oblivious to the rules, even though I specified both of their IPs.

I've done the quick and the not-so-quick google search and found out that if I specify the IP it'll do it on the Windows box, but if I specify a range, it won't work.

Haven't tried specifying the MAC address so I guess I'll do that later. Especially since I'm still waiting to get the DSL modem off ebay although trying the 2Wire router to work solely as a modem would be something to try.

Plus, it'll knock off ~$40 from the cost of the set up (-_-)/~

Then there's the problem of the DSL only providing the minimum that it can give (384kbps) rather than the full which is rather annoying since even though it's the same service that I have at home, it's a third of the speed.

Gonna have to call SBC and find out if something can be done...

Hey Nostra-dumbass. Did the rapture come?

IMG_0753.JPG, originally uploaded by thecat16.

Sitting at the table with my head down last Friday while waiting for my father to give the signal that we were leaving, I was listening on one of the brothers go on about something he had learned that week that had touched him. He was talking about how in Deuteronomy 28:1 it states "If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.".

To me, due to that topic being preached for a good solid 6 months, that was a conclusion that seemed obvious. Like do you want your cape in blue or red, Captain Obvious?

It's not that I'm trying to put myself on a pedestal or thinking myself morally better, smarter or wiser than my peers. But one of the things that's been bugging the crap out of me for the past couple of years is that the realization of some of the most obvious (well, to me) and cornerstone arguments and conclusions comes so late to some people.

And that makes me sad.

Like for example, once the pastor's wife said something along the lines of Jesus loves us.
I, being my snarky bored self, responded "What, you barely found out?"

I started to reflect on this a couple of months later with a concrete example.
My mother had compared me to one of my then friends by saying to me "Why aren't you more like so-and-so? She's so devoted and sensible to God's spirit!" Me being the one to remember the old saying that stated "Llama que arde, pronto se apaga" which she then made me explain how that saying applied to that situation. I told her that I'd rather be constantly, if small, burning flame rather than one who could light the world but burn out the next day. She apologized for comparing me to someone else.
I was later validated when said friend, one who was a borderline Jesus Freak™, left the church using the first reprimand she could use as an excuse.

Validated but definitely saddened by the situation.

Much like the present day...