Friday, April 27, 2007

They What?!


I'm angered over this recent post by one of the TV Guide people.

Stupid Fox. When will they learn that some shows, although a bit on the cheesy side, will get a following if it's interesting?

I was actually looking forward to watching this every week and figured I'd get the box set if it ever came out, but noooo.... bloody Fox.

Seriously. They did this with Firefly, which I still haven't gotten around to watching, they also did it to The Tick, which I can somewhat understand why it would get canceled, but a show with the potential to appeal to all kinds of viewers like Drive?

And then people wonder why I spend most of my time watching anime...


I starter to read the review that the Hollywood Reporter had on Drive and I do agree with it in that some people would be ashamed of admitting they like it. Now why would people be ashamed of watching this particular show? Cause Nathan Fillion's character, Alex Tully, has lines that are peppered with the cheesiness. That and he, well, I'm not really sure if it's Fillion or the writing (or both!) don't really seem to fit in with the atmosphere of the series.

According to the review it's one of those series where you'd have to "check your disbelief at the door" to which I would say "Uhm, it's fiction. Isn't that a given?"


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