Thursday, April 12, 2007

Is it edible?

IMG_0758.JPG, originally uploaded by thecat16.

Yay, we got dsl at church now!

Of course I was delegated to set it up and lock it down. Which is fine by me since I'm the only one with the knowledge to block out Myspace at the router level.

The 2Wire modem/router is a piece of crap. I mean, I opened the port for Azureus and Azureus still said that the port was closed and since there was no problem at home it led me to believe that the 2Wire router's firewall is along the lines of "all or nothing". And that's bad.

Plus I can't do selective blocking of websites like I've been screwing around with at home with my WRT54GL DD-WRT v23. Which brings me to another point. It seems like mine only blocks it on the Windows box while my PowerBook seems oblivious to the rules, even though I specified both of their IPs.

I've done the quick and the not-so-quick google search and found out that if I specify the IP it'll do it on the Windows box, but if I specify a range, it won't work.

Haven't tried specifying the MAC address so I guess I'll do that later. Especially since I'm still waiting to get the DSL modem off ebay although trying the 2Wire router to work solely as a modem would be something to try.

Plus, it'll knock off ~$40 from the cost of the set up (-_-)/~

Then there's the problem of the DSL only providing the minimum that it can give (384kbps) rather than the full which is rather annoying since even though it's the same service that I have at home, it's a third of the speed.

Gonna have to call SBC and find out if something can be done...

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