Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Holy $EXPLATIVE, Batman!

05-08-05_1541, originally uploaded by thecat16.

Guess I'm gonna do a somewhat weekly update from now on since it seems that's the only kind of schedule I can sorta keep. Well, being that I'm still in school at the moment.

Last Wensday I gave my Two-Weeks Notice. Note the dash, that means that it is not necesarily two weeks long.
It's actually more like three weeks.
So to give a more defined date, June 4th would be my last day.

On Sunday afternoon I went to turn in my application to Fry's, and when I got to church (~30 minutes later), I realized that I had forgotten to include what I wished my hours to be.

Luckly I rest my faith in God.

He's never failed me.

No, seriously.

Oh, and as for the pic, I just dream of the day that it becomes reality.

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