Friday, April 29, 2005

04-24-05_1637 - Lots-o-Miles

04-24-05_1637 - Lots-o-Miles, originally uploaded by thecat16.

Well, it's been a while since I last wrote somehting. And this is after saying that I was gonna write something everyday.... which turned into every other day... which turned into every week.. and here we are. Over two weeks and here's a post!
Not much of interest has happened. Other than oficially registering my car under my name, getting the tires rotated, buying more manga, failing a calc test, being praised for having rather clean code, and realizing that the plans for swapping the engine in my car, currently a 4A-F, with a somewhat similar one, the 4A-GZE, are rather primitive an not as throught out as I thought.
The one I want to put in is the second generation of the engine found in the Toyota MR2 here in the States. It is supercharged, puts out about 170hp, and 155 lbs of torque.

So, yeah.
Imagining being able to keep up if not pass Civic SIs makes me giggle.

But such power doesn't come without a price.

I've read up on it and the swap has not been done cheaper than US$3,000. Not including the engine.

Not to mention I'll loose the AC and the power steering. Well, I could do without the power steering but not the AC so I'll have to look into doing this correctly.

I mean, I can wait. I'm not gonna get rid of the car. How many people like to get rid of their first car? I mean people that got attached to their first car, not the ones that don't give a rat's ass about them.

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