Friday, June 20, 2008

Stupid Apache2 on Leopard!

IMG_1157, originally uploaded by thecat16.

So I finally got my dev server up and running....

I'm writing this because nobody had anything remotely helpful...

Turns out what I was doing wrong is not adding my external IP address to the apache httpd.conf file -_-;

Just adding ServerName "myIpAddressNotYours" got the IP to show the page in my Sites folder...

Oh and adding

'<'Directory "/Users/Cesar/Sites">'
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

'<'VirtualHost *:80'>'
DocumentRoot "/Users/Cesar/Sites"
ServerName localhost

to the *.conf file got everything to run smoothly...

Just in case anyone out there runs into the problem of Leopard only giving you the Apache welcome page for your IP and the User welcome page for the user...

No really, just edit the httpd.conf in the apache2 directory and the and your user conf file in the users folder of the apache2 directory and it should work.

Oh, and don't forger to set up the port forwarding on your router :3

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