Monday, June 23, 2008


Nothing makes me feel older than the death of the people I grew up watching


Friday, June 20, 2008

Stupid Apache2 on Leopard!

IMG_1157, originally uploaded by thecat16.

So I finally got my dev server up and running....

I'm writing this because nobody had anything remotely helpful...

Turns out what I was doing wrong is not adding my external IP address to the apache httpd.conf file -_-;

Just adding ServerName "myIpAddressNotYours" got the IP to show the page in my Sites folder...

Oh and adding

'<'Directory "/Users/Cesar/Sites">'
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

'<'VirtualHost *:80'>'
DocumentRoot "/Users/Cesar/Sites"
ServerName localhost

to the *.conf file got everything to run smoothly...

Just in case anyone out there runs into the problem of Leopard only giving you the Apache welcome page for your IP and the User welcome page for the user...

No really, just edit the httpd.conf in the apache2 directory and the and your user conf file in the users folder of the apache2 directory and it should work.

Oh, and don't forger to set up the port forwarding on your router :3

Sunday, June 15, 2008

There's A Reason Arcana Heart Is The Titular Character

Picture 2, originally uploaded by thecat16.

"Sometimes I wonder just what I should write in this thing." is what I've been thinking every time I started to think of a topic to write about.
Due to this, and finals, I slacked off and read some manga.

There's this series called Genshiken that tells the story of a club not really focused on anything in particular but at the same time dedicated to what should be called Modern Visual Culture. This of course means an extreme interest in anything that would get one labeled a weeaboo 'round these parts. Save for the video game aspect.

Near the end of the series, when discussing the possibility of Ogiue-san releasing a Yaoi Dojinshi, she asks " Do I really want to show the world all my sick and twisted fantasies?"

That line made me pause and think.
Not so much as in 'how much of an innuendo does this project' but more of 'what kind of message does this convey about me?'

This brought back the memories of my parents asking me what was up the characters on my folder, or why it was called Hotmail or what did the character in the background image represent. Since my room doesn't have a door, it's hard to keep things out in the open without being questioned about them. Like getting a package in the mail (so much for surprise mother's day gift), or holding a conversation over SMS ("Oh, someone is highly sought after today!"). Hell, I can't even type without raising some kind of concern ("Oh, who are you chatting with?").

I guess this is one of the reasons why I never learned to draw properly. Can't really shut myself up in my room and draw all day if I don't have a door now, can I?

Guess instead of expecting to hearing praise, all I expect to hear is ridicule.


Some times I wonder if that fear is what holds me back of my more creative projects.

Then again, I'm rather grateful since it's helped me avoid being mistaken for a tasteless anime fanboy >.<

As for opening up in regards to hobbies, I'm not sure I can that so freely. I mean, the anime and manga consumption is really due to their entertainment value in terms of how situations play out. Like listening to two storytellers tell the same story. It will come out differently. I like to learn from stuff like that.

And as for the whole thing with Mai, I don't care what any y'all say. She's the best fighter in KOF and if only Capcom vs. SNK 2 wasn't broken, everyone would know that, AND IT'S NOT THE BOOBS, SO DROP THAT ACCUSATION!!