Wednesday, April 18, 2007

...Wait, What?

IMG_0768.JPG, originally uploaded by thecat16.

I had this whole long diatribe to post about the recent event at VT but after mulling it over, I'd figured there's enough people out there saying the same thing.

On the one side, you got the media being as ready to sell out the victims for ratings, the politicians for votes, and Jack Thompson going on again about the violence of video games.

Then on the other you got people posting blogs, comments and LiveJournals sending out their condolences to the families of the victims.

Then you have the uninformed masses that think it's a good idea to build a fence around the campus.

Seriously, if it can keep stuff out, it can keep stuff in. It's bad enough that the high schools in LA already look like prisons all in the name of security.

I also heard about the parents of one girl attending VT wanting the directors head on a pike due to how badly this incident was handled...

That pissed me off even more. A school is a place of learning, of course it's not gonna be a suitable place to plan a lock down, it's not friggin' Neo-Tokyo 3! And with a campus that large, of course the cops are gonna take some time in getting to the other side. The cops are there just to maintain the peace and keep an eye out for stuff like pranks. Shootings are not part of a university's daily agenda and we all know that the dorms act as a seperate part of the university so locking down the entire school for an incident at the dorms would have been ridiculous since it's bad enough to coordinate the instructors to go to their respective rooms while getting keys/combinations let alone have them shift everything at the last minute.

Teachers, much like many of the students, don't check their school email, so how was this info supposed to get to them?


Oh, looks like I did write something after all :P


RL said...

is that a pirate hello kitty? arrrrgh...

anyway, what pisses me more about the VT thing is people are starting to be ig'nant, saying stuff like, "Oh, damn Koreans, always causing trouble" and saying that the shooters a "resident alien." It's like, foo...he has a green card and he's been here. don't be talking immigration shit here and how we shouldn't allow Koreans to come in. Does it really matter if he's Korean ? Americans really need to be more tolerant of other cultures. *rolleyes*

I also agree with you with colleges not looking like prisons. I mean, look at Schurr :( They bulldozed that big circle in front of the bandroom with the tree so they can build that damn gate. :\

Jolly Roger Jonesy said...

One of the students who survived the attack was a former Columbine survivor. Basically she said we need time without the media with a camera in our face in order to put things back together.

Everyone will try to capitalize on any situation that is worthy of great grief.

Schurr High, they erected fences and attempted to transform the school to run like a prison. What has instead happened? Increases in violence, hostility, racism, etc etc. Now the principal who enacted that is gone or will be gone. In a school like Virginia Tech that is it's own city there is going to be delays sadly in locking it down, just look at the scope. However, I do have to say that N.Y.U. is supposedly ready for terrorist attacks and aviary bird flu. How exactly I have no clue, but that's what our president said in our rally behind the students of Virginia Tech email slash we're prepared if something like that ever happened here, which of course it couldn't.

Anyhow, hope your doing good mahn. Missing being home during this crunch time at the end of the semester, extremely stressful. Gotta head to work, lates.