Friday, September 30, 2005

So I went for Dim Sum...

DIM SUM, originally uploaded by thecat16.

Another year is upon me forcing me to once more reflect where I stand, what I've done and what I plan to do.

After having my appeal for Financial Aid reinstituted, I feel glad to be where I'm at. But it also forced me to look back and seriously keep the commitments that I've planned.

Like my classes.

This year I shall embark on a journey, in a more deliniated way. i.e I'm gonna stop screwing around and get some work done.

I'm no longer taking Japanese.

I've planned study time.

I've got the resources necessary to stay on top.

And most of my friends time consuming friends have left to pursue other ventures.

Agh, who am I kidding. One person was who took most of my time. I'd like that time back.

But since it's not possible, I'll move on. Why? Cause I have a bright future ahead of me and if I let myself be reminded of all the crap I've been through, I'll go nuts! Not to mention I'm hard pressed to find anything positive out that experience other that I'll be careful next time around...

But anyway. I hope I can go for dim sum with my friends again like I did last time :D

I really liked the little fried shrimp dumplings XD

Not to mentioned I liked not being chastized for my random character. Specially when that part of my character was exacerbated by my friend Vy who is the most random person I've met.

To describe that morning I'll quote my friend Em, "When you guys get together, all hell breaks loose"

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