Sunday, August 24, 2008

What do you mean 'Smoking Propaganda'?

IMG_1381, originally uploaded by thecat16.

There are times when I think random thoughts influenced by what I've watched.
Depending of the topic I can go from extremely giddy to melancholic.

I had heard quite a bit of a series named Detroit Metal City and I've grown to like it quite a bit, and after watching the anime that was recently released, it's become one of my favorites.

Then there's one called Eve no Jikan. Story setting is your usual fare of 'what if androids were real and the only difference is the ring floating above their heads?' along with the public backlash of 'eww, creepy, it's a machine you dolt!'.

That got me thinking about how a person being engrossed with their androids is treated as such and figured that I'd probably be the same.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not about to become obsessed with dollfies and the like.
I only did it to draw comparisons from the way I treat my stuff now.

According to that future, androids aren't much more than appliances and people treat them as such and that made me all melancholic in the sense that most people I've observed don't care for their stuff. If it breaks, oh well, go get another one. They don't try to fix it or pass it off to someone who can. They don't care what it goes through, how it works, what its limits are, they just use it until they bore or find something shinier.

I see this quite often with cars to the point where I voice my complaints and distaste to the owner if I know them.

I care for my computers the same way. Same goes for my car. Same goes for all the other crap I own.

I still have a large amount of the electronics I've ever bought, and all of them, save for a small handful that have burned out, still work just fine and get used from time to time. Like my MD player >.<

Now thinking about people who don't care for such small things having control over androids, who for the lack of anything else are nothing other than a mechanized slave, that just makes me sad. Sad for the androids for having POS masters...

Reminds me of an old saying.

"There are no bad kids, only bad parents"