"You Can Avoid Being Fired... For A Price~"
Here is the Portrait. Em scanned it and I cleaned it up a bit.
His scanner has some dust on the glass...
Cause what's more random than a guy like me? Oh, right. Vy.
Here is the Portrait. Em scanned it and I cleaned it up a bit.
His scanner has some dust on the glass...
Posted by Kuroneko at 4:02 PM 0 comments
So I get a call from Em asking if I wanted to be in a photo shoot. Namely one of John's homework assignments. I asked what time and arrangements were made for me to show up around 9-ish at night.
So I do.
So I camly park my car and what do I see parked behind me? A nicely fixed up Corolla GT-S.
Anyway, I go inside, greetings are exchanged and the shoot starts.
Near the end of the shoot. Em brings down The Trump since it was brought up in conversation and eventually the conversation turned to taking a picture with The Trump.
I was next to be taken a polaroid of so Em situated The Trump on my shoulder and I looked at The Trump. The gang laughed since it looked like The Trump was stroking my hair. So I took a pic with the timer on my phone. That pic sucked so John asked if I wanted him to take it for me.
I agreed.
And this is the result.
The polaroid is better though. I have a more terrorized look.
Posted by Kuroneko at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Another pic. Found it amusing.
A rather amusing casemod found while I was looking for raw anime.
Well, I'm off to fix my Corolla's A/C, heater, air... as in, the blower thingy...
Seriously! No air!
My paternal unit and I managed to trace it to one of the sensors after fiddling around with the fuses. Oh, and one of the relays is somewhat not made anymore. Luckly me father found one that he had aquired from somewhere (I think the dealer) with number 90987-04002.
Meh...see how it goes.
Posted by Kuroneko at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Well, Buchanan came over today to drop off a Cal Grant app that I asked her to bring me... along with a buch of cds she wanted me to make a mix out of. Meh, small price to pay for not having to go get one. Plus, she did the work.
I started taking pics of her randomly. Check out the set on my flickr site, the blurry one looks like she's flipping off the camera but in reality I told her to pose, look at the camera in a somewhat seductive manner, and to put her index finger on her lip.
She did.
She felt embarresed.
She put her arm down just when I took the pic.
And it was such a nice photo-op too!
Well, at least I managed to get this pic after telling her for 5 minutes to leave the bang alone. It looked nice.
...I'm a sucker for bangs.
Pic Removed Cause She Claimed Ugly-ness. I said they weren't. She didn't agree and claimed non-consent.
Posted by Kuroneko at 10:48 PM 0 comments
It's rather hard to believe the choices some people make when it comes to choosing what to drive. While I may be content driving a small sedan, some people have to go all out and buy 450hp SUVs...
Does not make me feel safe at all. Damn SUVs kill more people than they protect!
Posted by Kuroneko at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Took this pic back in December. This thing was rather interesting by the fact that it was there and out of place. Costco is usually organized so when things are out of their place, they're rather noticeable. So yeah, pic of a keggie. A small keg. Brought to you by Beck's.
Posted by Kuroneko at 10:34 AM 0 comments
This is Em. He saw shiny gift wrap. He put it on as a cape. He pimpin' now. Go, Em! Slap dem (ho)^3's!
Posted by Kuroneko at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Its rather disturbing the poses a person can do when they think the pic is gonna be trashed...
Posted by Kuroneko at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Took a pic of this truck when I was getting home on Monday at the corner of Atlantic and Riggin in Monterey Park. It was a big truck. Really big. Too big.
Don't like these things on the street. Out on the farm, yes. Here, no.
Posted by Kuroneko at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Pic of my uptime...
Wouldn't say I'm proud of it since it'll make it seem like I have small man syndrome (yeah, thanks Em).
But I'll post it anyway.
Posted by Kuroneko at 12:00 AM 0 comments
So our instructor decided to add a new part to our alread strenous rutine. As if an "8 flights of stairs" code named 'Cardiac Hill' weren't enough, the infamnous and relatively unknown 'Suicide Hill' was added to the mix. Luckily, this one is a hill unlike Cardiac which is steps, stairs, and and somewhat flat inclines all made of concrete.
We ran up Cardiac Hill. Then ran down it. Then ran up Suicide Hill. The ran down Cardiac and back up Suicide since the first time around was 'Unsatisfacory!"
All in all it was a fun run. The incline in the parking lot leading to Suicide considerably slowed down a third of the class.
And here I though I was gonna miss not having O-Course today...
Posted by Kuroneko at 11:07 PM 0 comments
This is my car. It is a white 1989 Toyota Corolla DX sedan which has upwards of 146k on its original engine. And it can still do over 100mph...
Posted by Kuroneko at 9:49 AM 0 comments
I've always wanted to have a blog. I kept trying to keep stuff like a journal but never kept them. Meh, guess it was because I had no pictures. Oh well, I have a camera phone now so that'll have to do until I get a real camera. It's a Motorola V600 and with the Bluetooth on my PowerBook, I'll never worry about the charges. Mua-ha-ha!
Posted by Kuroneko at 11:47 PM 0 comments